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Saturday, 29 October 2016
How to acess any Website 100% Working (Hindi)

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The Links Of Extensions You Need Are -
1. Hola Better internet

2. Safer Vpn

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Friday, 28 October 2016
Monday, 9 November 2015
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How To Disable/Hide Seen On Facebook Chat/Messages

Facebook is the giant network having billions of users and now the messenger app of it is widely used in the world of text messaging. And also you can share media, location and lots of sticker that are available for the Facebook messenger. Today on messenger when you read a message a automatically seen text get shown at the bottom of message at the receiver end. This feature was added by facebook for better chat notifications. But sometime you want to pretend that you had read the message at that time you can use our tricks as we are here with the trick How To Disable/Hide Seen On Facebook Chat/Messages. With the help of this trick now you can easily read the message without showing seen to the sender. Follow the below post to proceed.

This method actually works on Pc with browser extension that will not allow facebook to keep track on read message and you can easily read message without showing seen to the sender. Just follow up simple steps below.
  1. First of all download and install Facebook Unseen extension in your respective broswer from below.
  2. Now after installing this extension you need to restart your browser to make this extension work properly.
  3. Now login into your facebook account and chat with your friends.
  4. Now with this extension your browser will stopping the seen feature of facebook and your friends will not able to see the seen notifier in their chat.
So above is all about How To Disable/Hide Seen On Facebook Chat/Messages. By this method you can easily read out and take on hold the messages of friends whom you don’t want to reply at that time.

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Many time windows users facing problem of pendrive showing empty in windows explorer but in computer drives its full. This is very common problems which generally occur due to corrupting of memory storage tables in storage device. Generally when users improperly eject pendrive or external drive get affected with viruses and malware then this type of issue come infront. And this can be actually fix easily without using any third party tool in your windows PC. As the error comes because of altering of memory tables and using command prompt you can actually fix out this storage. So have a look on complete guide discussed below to proceed.

How To Fix Pen Drive Empty Problem Even The Drive Is Full

The method is straight and simple and you don’t need any technical knowledge, you just need is a simple command entering that will easily fix out the issue of loss of files in pendrive. Follow up the methods discussed below.

#1 Method: Using Command Prompt

  1. First of all tap on windows button of your keyboard and then type “cmd”.
  2. Now right click on command prompt and then select “Run As Administrator”.USB recover1
  3. Now in command prompt you have to enter the command given below,
    attrib -h -r -s /s /d x:\*.*
    where you need to replace with the letter of your drive.USB recover2
  4. Thats it will take few seconds and you are done, now open your drive in explorer and you will see all your files being there, that is these are recovered.

#2 Method: By Searching (.) in Search Box

  1. First of all open your drive in explorer.
  2. Now you will see there no items to displayed.
  3. Just add dot(.) in the search box at the top right corner.
  4. Now you will see all the hidden file and folders there and you can easily copy that files and then paste anywhere in your computer storage as a recovered file.
  5. Now simply format your pendrive after recovering all the data and then put data back in it.
  6. Thats it now this problem will get permanently fixed in your USB storage.
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Thursday, 29 October 2015
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Yes, you heard right. You can now hack a car by making necessary modifications – but to the car owned by you, not your neighbors.

Last year, President Obama passed a bill called 'Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act,' following which users could unlock their devices – generally those locked under a contract – to use a specific service provider.

The same year, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a petition with the Librarian of Congress, which has the authority to grant Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) exemptions, for allowing customers and independent mechanics to repair their vehicles on their own by making necessary modifications.

Though many automakers were in opposition to this petition, as they believed by doing so the safety measures of vehicles are going to be at a higher risk.

EFF got Success!

Yesterday, Library of Congress approved copyright act exemptions, allowing you to alter the software on your car for the purpose of security research, maintenance, or repair.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed the request for software access as part of the Section 1201 of the (DMCA).

United States copyright law DMCA contains two main sections that have been a controversial matter since they went into effect in 2000. These are:
  1. Section 1201- The "Anti-Circumvention" provisions bar circumvention of access controls and technical protection measures.
  2. Section 512- The "Safe Harbor" provisions protect service providers who meet certain conditions from monetary damages for the infringing activities of their users and other third parties on the Internet.
However, previously security researchers also mentioned about the numerous security vulnerabilities that affect the major automobiles.

The Hacker News reported how researchers reverse-engineered and modified the Uconnect firmware of a Jeep to remotely hijack car's network, its steering, brakes, and transmission.

Now, approving this petition may give researchers way to new methods of hacking a car.

Messing with Cars can Cost You

The adverse effects of lifting the "Ban on tinkering with Car's Software" can be:
  • An owner modifying car's software to disable the airbags and sell it afterwards.
  • Car owner playing with the software such that, its ability to read lane lines and detect other vehicles is disabled.
  • An owner tweaking the car software in such a way that the car's emissions increase as compared to normal driving.
These are few examples of how things can get worse by freeing the copyright ownership by the automakers, which is serious matter to think upon because...

...the software on your smartphone or PC cannot kill anyone, but with malicious intentions and a tampered software in your car can.

Moreover, few days ago, Honda officially ordered 142k cars' return over the software issues that would lock up the front wheels in some models.

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Biggest Free Hosting Company Hacked; 13.5 Million Plaintext Passwords Leaked

The world’s most popular Free Web Hosting company 000Webhost has suffered a major data breach, exposing more than 13.5 Million of its customers' personal records.

The stolen data includes usernames, passwords in plain text, email addresses, IP addresses and last names of around 13.5 Million of 000Webhost's customers.

According to a recent report published by Forbes, the Free Hosting service provider 000Webhost was hacked in March 2015 by an anonymous hacker.

In a post on its official Facebook page, the hosting company has acknowledged the data breach and posted the following statement:
"We have witnessed a database breach on our main server. A hacker used an exploit in old PHP version to upload some files, gaining access to our systems. Although the whole database has been compromised, we are mostly concerned about the leaked client information."
The stolen data was obtained by Troy Hunt, an Australian security researcher, who received the data from an anonymous source and also confirmed the authenticity of the data.
"By now there's no remaining doubt that the breach is legitimate and that impacted users will have to know," Hunt wrote in a blog post published Wednesday. "I'd prefer that 000webhost be the ones to notify [its customer] though."

000Webhost Ignored Data Breach Warnings Continuously

000Webhost web Hosting company repeatedly failed to pay attention to the early warnings by Troy Hunt and the Forbes journalist, but the company ultimately decided to ignore them.

What's even Worse?

The Web Hosting company did not even follow fundamental and standard security practices to ensure the security of its customers.

Data breaches are common these days. Just a few days back, we reported about a serious data breach at TalkTalk – the biggest phone and broadband provider in the UK that put the personal data of its 4 Million customers at risk.

But, What could a Security Breach lead to?
  • Severe damage to company's reputation
  • Loss of consumer trust
  • Thousands of dollars in penalties and fines
  • Personal data loss cost infinite
  • Temporary or Permanent Closure
Note: At the time of writing, website is temporarily down.

What Should You Do Now?

For security reasons, the team at Free Hosting service has changed all customers' passwords to the random values and implemented encryption, without giving any direct notice to its affected customers.

That means, if you are one of those 13.5 Million 000webhost clients, then you need to follow thepassword reset process to generate a new password in order to access your account.

However, 000Webhost said: "We removed all illegally uploaded pages as soon as we became aware of the [data] breach. Next, we changed all the passwords and increased their encryption to avoid such mishaps in the future."

Storing customers passwords in plain text, ignoring early warnings, and then implementing encryption to prevent further damages.
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Now You Can See through walls using WI-FI device only.

Scientists at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have developed a device that uses WiFi signals to effectively see through walls and other obstacles, and identify which persons are standing behind it.

Dubbed RF Capture, the new system is enhanced version of their previous methods of capturing movements across a house – technology used by mothers to see their baby's breathing and firefighters to determine if there are survivors in a burning building.

How Does RF Capture Work?

The working of RF Capture is actually quite simple and relatively straightforward.

RF-Capture works by transmitting wireless signals that, upon hitting a person standing behind a wall, are reflected off various body parts and then back to the device for analysis to piece together the whole image of people.
  • RF-Capture transmits radio waves that pass through physical objects
  • Radio signals reflect off whatever is on the other side and bounce back to RF-Capture
  • RF-Capture measures the intensity of the waves, among other variables
  • The device then uses a "coarse-to-fine algorithm" to create an accurate silhouette

What's more impressive?
The device is capable not only to make out a person's chest, head, arms and feet, but also to distinguish between two different individuals and even various types of postures.

When tested, RF Capture was able to distinguish between 15 people through a wall with nearly 90 percent accuracy, as well as trace letters a person wrote in the air from behind a wall, the team said on its website.

Video Demonstration

You can watch out the video given below that shows how researchers captured consecutive time snapshots, before constructing the human silhouette.The Technology Helps Stay Safe and Secure

Researchers are excited about the future applications that this kind of wireless technology could provide.
"We are working to turn this technology into an in-home device that can [be called] 911 if it [is capable of detecting] that a family member has fallen unconscious," MIT professor Dina Katabi said in a statement. "You could also imagine [the technology] being used to operate your TVs and lights, or to adjust your [temperature] by monitoring where you are in the house."
RF Capture could also have applications in motion capture, allowing filmmakers to dispense with those silly sensor-covered suits currently in use by performers for doing special effects sequences.


However, there are some limitations, as of now-built model, including:
  • The current model assumes that the subject of interest starts by walking towards the device, hence allowing RF-Capture to capture consecutive RF snapshots that expose various body parts.
  • While the system is able to track individual body parts facing the device, like a Palm writing in the air, it is unable to perform full skeletal tracking. It is because not all body parts of a person appear in all RF snapshots.

However, researchers believe "these limitations can be addressed by [their] understanding of wireless reflections in the context of computer graphics and vision evolves."

The research paper, entitled 'Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall[PDF] will be presented by the MIT researchers at the SIGGRAPH Asia conference in Kobe, Japan in early November this year.

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Sunday, 25 October 2015
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This method is possible with an awesome app named SMS Bypass. This app allows you to set a particular recovery message before and this message will get store in the app and whenever you send a text message with that secret code method your pin or password will be bypass and you can access your android. Implement this method using the steps discussed below.


  • Rooted Android
  • Android 4.0 or above.

Steps To Set SMS Bypass Lock App :-

  1. First of all download and install the app Sms Bypass in your android.
  2. Now open the app and give it the permanent superuser(root) access to it and .
  3. The default secret code is 1234 in this app you can change it according yo your wisk like 1111.
    Sms Bypass Unlock Screen1
    Sms Bypass Unlock Screen
  4. Send the Secret code from the other phone with following format secret-code reset, for example : 1111 reset.
    Sms Bypass Unlock Screen2
    Sms Bypass Unlock Screen
  5. Now enable the remote passwoed there.
    Sms Bypass Unlock Screen1
    Sms Bypass Unlock Screen1
  6. Thats it your screen security will get bypassed by this method and you can access your android.
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